Traveller was Robert E. Lee's favorite horse and just like the old general's horse this bag will go with you where you want to go.
We brought this back to the drawing board and redesigned this goto rear bag. It now boasts a strap that can be integral with the bag or separated completely. It has the ability to put your choice of connection, whether it be a qd swivel, hk clip, or just attach the strap directly to sling (qd or hk clip not included). Comes with a quick release side buckle for the fast get away if it gets hung up.
Measurements for this bag are 6" wide by 8" tall and weighs 1 lb. There is a 1" strap running the length of the bag for ultimate control as well as a 1" width strap.
Standard Fabric for this product is 500d or 1000d Cordura. Standard colors are Coyote Tan, Ranger Green, Tan, ATACS IX, Multicam Black, and Multicam.